I've been fascinated with computers for as long as I can remember. They were this mysterious boxes that you push buttons and make these tiny lights light up in certain sequences and can figure out many problems for you --- and play games. I didn't even know where to begin to learn about them until I discovered my older cousin Alejandro was learning to program computers. I asked to borrow his C++ book when I was 14 to begin reading it... It was difficult. The most I was able to do was take command line input and solve basic math problems -- so a more complicated version of a calculator.

As time went on I looked for more and more ways to learn about computers. At one point I made a program that would scan your Downloads folder and move any documents, pictures, videos, and programs, then move them to their appropriate library folder. It was with Python and I added a GUI and turned it into an executable.

Later I discovered websites and how they were able to integrate better with the real world through IoT and smartphones to be highly accessible. This seemed like exactly what I was looking for. A highly accessible platform to solve problems on and make them easily accessible without someone worrying I'm giving them a virus.

As I went through college learning more about programming I started working in a warehouse for a company called HubX. I immediately found a way to help using what I had learned. Since then I have created a few solutions that have saved innumerable hours and prevented many headaches. It's brought me great joy to see that I was able to help make so many people's lives easier on a daily and weekly basis.

As I have grown and learned in HubX they have continued to challenge me and I have enjoyed finding new and creative ways to solve problems.